My Experience with Storify and today’s class


Today in Dr. Patton’s class we learned how to use Storify and it was quite interesting using this website. I never knew about the site until I got introduced to it today now I have many plans for both Storify and WordPress website’s when I graduate from Morgan. I never knew that you could link all of your social media sites onto Storify and Dr. Patton showed us how, that was very cool. Although Storify was giving me a hard time Dr.Patton and Ms. Smith were very helpful I feel as this is the most funnest class I’ve had ever since I’ve first attended Morgan in 2013 lol. The reason why is because we are able to tell stories and express ourselves in class and on our blog sites which is awesome.




Everyone in class was engaged to Storify it just kept our interest and we all enjoyed the website. I was even amazed by how far I’ve came using word press and Storify. The reason why is because at first I was not good at editing a blog page but now because I sat down at a computer all Saturday and Sunday my blog now looks like a master piece well to myself at least. At first I was bad at it I made a post on twitter saying that I know i messed up today but next week ill be on top of everything. Dr. Patton re-tweeted my tweet and thats when I knew things was real lol. I made sure I emailed Dr.Patton asap she referred me to Ms. Smith I thought the tutoring session was going to be long it was a few minutes and I learned a lot and I am now in love with my blog and look forward to making plenty more in the future.

Overall the class today was fun a lot of positive vibes as usual and just great energy. I like the way Dr. Patton Starts her class with music everyone gets engaged and it just feels good to see everyone interacting with one another.

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We also learned about Giphy always wanted to know how blog authors made their blogs interesting and thank you to Dr. Patton and Ms. Smith for teaching the class how we can make our blogs interesting. Ever since I’ve been thought this method I have been able to make my blogs very interesting. What is crazy is that when I am writing a blog for this digital media class I always come up with something creative I want to write about that is pertaining to my field of study.

Today we also learned about meditation can you believe I meditated for the first time in my life today lol. It was very interesting I felt as if I was in a blank space and at ease with myself and was able to think about basically all the problems in my life. But after the meditation I felt as if I was able to concur my problems and face reality. I feel as if I was to ever have a problem in my life meditation will be something that ill consider doing.




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