Gentrification In Baltimore City

Working on this project was difficult only because I had to record it, not one, not two, but three times. Finding a person to interview in Baltimore city was easy the first time but the problem that day was that I did not have a tripod but I did have a shoulder rig. The first … More Gentrification In Baltimore City

White College Student Brags About Rubbing Black Roommate’s Bag With Bloody Tampons And Putting Her Toothbrush “Where the Sun Don’t Shine’ Commentary

The article that I read was from BET news and it was about how a black student by the name of Chennel Rowe, has been harassed and bullied by her roommate since the beginning of the school year. Her roommate at the time was  Brianna Brochu who was an 18 year old white freshman also … More White College Student Brags About Rubbing Black Roommate’s Bag With Bloody Tampons And Putting Her Toothbrush “Where the Sun Don’t Shine’ Commentary


In class last Thursday we watched Ted X and what I learned from the film was that social media affects children once they are born because parents broadcast their pregnancy online and this causes for the child to have an online record all due to the photo being shared, and liked. Due to this technology … More TED X

Natural News

The short documentary that we watched today was about fake news. Also how people today wants real news instead of fake news. From what I learned today is that there are people out there today who switches information around and publishes it out there in order to get people to believe them. False journalism is … More Natural News

The Internet

The World Wide Web was developed by no one other than Tim Burners Lee in 1989. The web started with the browser wars were a group of cyber geeks created the web that many of us use today in the 21st century. The web was created for us to access information, and images and being … More The Internet