The Internet

The World Wide Web was developed by no one other than Tim Burners Lee in 1989. The web started with the browser wars were a group of cyber geeks created the web that many of us use today in the 21st century. The web was created for us to access information, and images and being able to listen to audio and see videos.

Tim Berners-Lee portrait with glowing globe

Jim Clark and Mark Andreessen are the Co-Founders of Netscape Partnered with both inventors in order to start up a software company. Their plan was to turn Mosaic into a big business by recruiting members onto their team. Clark did this by getting in contact with the cyber geeks who knew everything there was to know about the internet because he knew the internet was going to change the world. So he offered them a big deal that they could not even refuse.


Bill Gates who is the co-founder of Microsoft used (Microsoft Network)  as a monopoly to take over the whole computer industry because Microsoft was very powerful they took over toll booths on highways. His vision was to have Microsoft running on every computer that you can Imagine. By the time 1993 came around Microsoft was doing tremendously well because about 90% of computers were operated through Microsoft in every house hold, business, and office in the world.

Netscape communications was what took a turn in the internet because it was known to be the fastest network that would shape the speed of the internet. Just because Mosaic was the first  graphical web browser that they built they happened to focus on a web browser based off of mosaic that will focus on just the way we communicate with each other.

The fear for Netscape was that they where afraid that another web browser will be invented by someone else and it will become way better than their web browser. So Netscape launched Navigator and this was what was going to be more powerful than Microsoft because it received more attention and numerous amounts of downloads and Microsoft knew that.


Bill Gates had no other option but to go after Netscape and try to destroy it. Gates wanted to destroy Netscape because he felt that their web browser was getting in the way of Microsoft’s success.  But then gates  held a meeting with Netscape and in the meeting Microsoft explained how they wanted to go ahead and buy Netscape and be granted access to all their technology and if they were not going to give up their technologies they will take it from Netscape by photocopying everything that they did which was illegal at the time.

This caused Netscape to Sue Microsoft due to the monopoly that they had it caused for action to be taken against Microsoft. Microsoft went after Netscape because they also felt that Netscape was trying to set Microsoft up although Microsoft was doing their own thing which was focusing on being the fastest growing Network Company. But either way Jim Clark was able to walk away with $663 million.

After all of that Microsoft came back and started up Internet explorer but before that they were still planning on going after Netscape by watching every move that Netscape made. This caused people who worked with Netscape to work long hours during the day, night, and early mornings because Microsoft was always peeking in on what they were doing. Microsoft’s plan was to take Netscape out of business and give their Microsoft Products to every customer of theirs.

Microsoft was able to do something Netscape wasn’t and that was give their products away for free in their windows operating system. The Browser war between Netscape and Microsoft was over but gates was seen as an internet bully and terrorist. The reason why is because Microsoft had used their windows monopoly to engage in predatory business practices to prevent consumers to not have access to Netscape’s products .

Gates was seen as a liar and deceiver in court due to all the evidence that they had on him in court. Microsoft had broken the law and it was no longer seen as the #1 web browser. Browsers like Google is now doing better than Microsoft  in today’s 21st century.












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